Sunday, September 26, 2010

blog entry 1.6 - design brief

 I am going to design and make a poster for the IB Learners Program. it can so people that if you follow the poster you can achieve great things for yourself. This mad for anyone  that wants to make a better living and a better choice for them selfs. It would be great to probably try it and see where you will be or what will happen if it is actually achieved.

blog entry 1.5 areas of interaction

The areas of interaction are approaches to learning which is; Study Habits, Communication, Information, Reflection, Connecting Ideas. Also Human Ingenuity which is; Desktop Publishing, Marketing & Advertising. Each of these things relate to my project because each of these things we will eventually have to do for the project. How it is going to be achieved is by acting it out with my group or if they feel like they do not want to do it i can definitely do it on my on with out a problem.

blog entry 1.4

Question: Explain in you on word the design task that you have been asked to solve.

Answer: I have been asked to complete these blog entries for my project. The posters that i am making is communicators, caring, balanced and knowledgeable. this is so that we can show a personal picture of the IB learners profile based on the meaning of the word. I is to show how much we understands about the IB Learners  profile.

blog entry 1.2

The image in this poster looks like some one is helping someone up off of the floor. I guess the image effectively communicate with the point of the poster because he is helping her up. I think the colors a boring because they clash and most of its coming from the books so i think its not all that great.The words on the poster are white and its on the top of the poster. I guess it to grab the readers or observers attention. I think the font usage isn't the best for the word and for the photo because it looks kind of bland and boring.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

poster analysis

  • It looks like the people are working together to get from one place to another. Yea i do think that the image effectively communicate with the poster because the poster is based on teamwork and they are working together on getting from place to a different location.
The choice of color is like a golden orange and a little black. I think its a nice choice of color because it a sunset color.Sunsets are really beautiful to look at.the word on the poster represents people working as a team to get something done. I think the font use is is great because it pops out and its great for the picture and the word.