Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Blog Entry # 4.4 - Plan (C)

  1. Name the cereal ( has to be creative).
  2. An advertising slogan that catch the consumers attention.
  3. a famous quote that the person had said.
  4. color for the bacground and so on.
  5. etc

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Blog Entry # 4.6 - Personal Information (A)

1. Name of Notable Person: Jalal ad-Dīn Muhammad Rumi
2. Web Addresses of all Sources (copy and paste)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumi

3. Biographical Information
a. Date of Birth and Death: 1207- December 17, 1273
b. Place of Birth and Death (or current residence):Balkh, Afghanistan (birth). (death) N/A
c. Family (e.g. parents, siblings, spouse, children) Sultan Walad (son)
d. Education: Sufism
e. Occupation: Persian poetryNey and Sufi dance
4. Two-three Quotes (either about the person of from the person):
“The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore." “Look for the answer inside your question.” “Heartsick, heartbroken—
To know love is to know pain.
What could be more common?
Even so, each broken heart is so singular
That with it we probe the divine.”
5. Significant contribution(s) to World History:MasnaviDiwan-e Shams-e TabriziFihi Ma Fihi
6. Ten terms related to the person: poetry, philosophyMasnaviDiwan-e Shams-e TabriziFihi Ma Fihi

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blog Entry # 4.3 - Adult Cereal Box (A)

1. Describe all of the ways the designer has targeted adults with this cereal box.
Answer: He has targeted adults by having how it has fiber and it says nutrition and the calories on the front . children do not care about the nutrition or fiber or calories. and they wont put it the front of the cereal box either. 
2. What gender of adult is targeted? What elements led you to this conclusion?
Answer: i say both because men and women eat this cereal.
3. What is the advertising slogan?
Answer: raisin bran crunch from Kellogg.

Blog Entry # 4.2 - childrens cereal box (A)

1. Describe all of the ways the designer has targeted children with this cereal box.
Answer: By using a cartoon, and a lot of colors.
2. What gender of children is targeted? What elements led you to this conclusion?
Answer: I would say both because me and my brother use to eat thing cereal. Also because it doesnt really show anything that would be directly toward a certain gender.
3. What is the advertising slogan?
Answer: "follow your nose, it always knows."

Blog Entry # 4.1 - Design Task (A)

The design task that i have been asked to do is to create a cereal box based on Rumi which is apparently a
Philosopher and a Persian poet. i have to have historical information about him  but it has to be interesting where i grab the consumers attention.

blog Entry #3.13 - complete poster (D)

Blog Entry #3.16 -human ingenuity evaluation (E)

The reason why tourist might not want to visit my country is because the poster doesn't speak to the tourist and the colors do not pop out at you. i also think its also because i didnt add any activities that they can do there or places where you can go sight seeing at.

Blog Entry #3.14 - Design Evaluation (E)

how could you improve your poster?give several examples.
i could have gave it more pictures and quotes on why they should go there or some type of persuasion. more interesting photos.

blog entry #3.12 - Process Journal 3(E)

What exact items has been added to your poster?

  1. My photos 
  2. my background 
  3. text about the country
  4. currency 
  5. bird 
  6. food
  7. map
  8. reactions
  9. leader

what exact item still need to be added to your poster?
nothing i finished it.

Blog Entry #3.10 - Process Journal 2 (E)

What exact steps have you completed thus far?
I have found all of my pictures and necessary things facts about the country and leader that i would need for my poster. I have also completed my poster.

In what way can your work be improved?
It can be improved by me doing my blogs on time and getting out of the way.