Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Blog Entry # 4.6 - Personal Information (A)

1. Name of Notable Person: Jalal ad-Dīn Muhammad Rumi
2. Web Addresses of all Sources (copy and paste)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumi

3. Biographical Information
a. Date of Birth and Death: 1207- December 17, 1273
b. Place of Birth and Death (or current residence):Balkh, Afghanistan (birth). (death) N/A
c. Family (e.g. parents, siblings, spouse, children) Sultan Walad (son)
d. Education: Sufism
e. Occupation: Persian poetryNey and Sufi dance
4. Two-three Quotes (either about the person of from the person):
“The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore." “Look for the answer inside your question.” “Heartsick, heartbroken—
To know love is to know pain.
What could be more common?
Even so, each broken heart is so singular
That with it we probe the divine.”
5. Significant contribution(s) to World History:MasnaviDiwan-e Shams-e TabriziFihi Ma Fihi
6. Ten terms related to the person: poetry, philosophyMasnaviDiwan-e Shams-e TabriziFihi Ma Fihi

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